RHL School

Reading Comprehension
Volume 1, Number 12, November 25, 1996

Better Zoos

     There was a time when zoos were terrible places for animals to live.
Even the largest animals were confined to small and uncomfortable
cages. Restless beasts paced back and forth in their prisons, as
countless visitors passed by.
     While some zoos are still throwbacks to this era, more and more zoos
have changed. Wild animals are now housed in larger areas that more
closely resemble their natural habitats. This makes the existence of the
animals much more pleasant. It also provides a better educational
experience to visitors. Children and adults can see scenes that show
more accurately how animals live in the wild.
        Hopefully the day will come when all zoos will be humane
places that give top priority to the needs of their animals while creating
ideal educational exhibits.

1.  How are zoos changing?

a.  They’re getting better for the animals but worse for the visitors.
b.  They’re getting better for the visitors but not for the animals.
c.  They’re getting better for the animals and visitors.
d   They’re not changing at all.

2.  Do some zoos still need to improve?

3.  Find the word “humane” in the last paragraph. What does it mean?

a.  Looking like a person
b.  Large
c.  Educational
d.  Using kindness

4.  Which idea is NOT expressed in the selection?

a.  Animals have feelings.
b.  People can learn from visiting a zoo.
c.  It costs a lot of money to improve a zoo.
d.  Not all zoos are as good as they should be.

5.  If you could design a zoo, what would it be like?

Copyright 1996 RHL